Monday, June 13, 2011

What can I say? My kids are adorable

****Warning**** This post is nothing but tons and tons of cute pictures of my 3 kids and contains no interesting news or tidbits about our lives and what's going on with us right now. So feel free to skip it if you are not a grandparent of these cuties.



After trying on Mommy's lipstick:

While playing around with the camera:


At his soccer team's end-of-the-season party:

with his teacher on the last day of school:

doing one of his invented science experiments:

As promised, pictures Grandy took at the park:

Lincoln & Anndra are finally learning to share their toys better:

Check it out - both hands in the baggie at the same time with NO screaming or hitting!!!

They are even learning to share their mom! The fact that Lincoln is letting Anndra sit on my lap for this story time and not insisting that he be in my lap as well is an INCREDIBLY big step for him:

Of course, they are always happiest when Parker joins in too.

I am LOVING having THREE kids - our family feels just right. :)


  1. Adorable! As soon as I saw the first couple pictures of Anndra, I was hooked and looked through the whole thing :)

  2. ...grandparents or loving aunts will enjoy this post :) Great pics Jen!
