Thursday, June 21, 2012

one last beach trip

These pics were all taken at a large tidal pool.  The kids were enjoying this pool so much that they didn't want to go out to the waves.  The water is warm and calm and shallow - like a big sandy bath-tub - the kids were in heaven:
Fun, fun, fun!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

"Golf with my Dad"

In the past few months, Parker & Todd have been working on the goal described above.

I'm extremely thankful that my kids love their Dad so much.  They show this love all the time, in hundreds of ways... but I like the way that Parker showed it here - of ALL the things he could have chosen to do this year, he chose learning to do an activity that his Dad loves.

Happy Father's Day, everyone!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weekend in Virginia

We had a glorious few days with people we love... what more could we ask for??

These 4 were fast friends again within moments of our arrival.
E reading to her little cousin - love it!
N couldn't wait to show Parker his BB guns.
Everyone lined up at the softball game.
The daddies with their baby girls.
The princesses decorated their faces with star stickers.
What you can't tell from this pic is how FAST he's going on the steep part of the driveway.
You can barely see the top of R's head.  She is watching something on a phone and all the kids are trying to see it.
The dads working hard to fix the tree-house railing before they install the new slide.
B slugged D in the arm right before this pic was taken.
Playing 'school' - apparently one of the 'students' also wanted to be a pirate!
A neighbor's house caught fire... making our last morning very exciting!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Montana, Matching, and Missing

We've been waiting for one last thing to fall into place before we could announce where we are moving after Todd graduates at the end of the month.  Well, everything is finally set in stone: Todd got the job that he interviewed for in Montana last year, so that is where we'll be relocating this summer!  We couldn't be more thrilled.  It is exactly what we've been praying for all these months and it feels really good to finally know that it is definitely going to happen.  I'm so proud of Todd for all the hard work he has done to get us to this point.  Today is a very happy day!

On a different note, these are pics of what my little ones decided to wear today so that they could match each other: - the shirts are a bit warm for June in Florida, but what could I do?  :) 

Today was also the last day of school for Parker.  Here are pics from the cook-out/pic-nic his grade had to celebrate.  We are going to miss this elementary school and our friends & teachers there:

Some more pics of friends we'll miss when we leave: