Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weekend in Virginia

We had a glorious few days with people we love... what more could we ask for??

These 4 were fast friends again within moments of our arrival.
E reading to her little cousin - love it!
N couldn't wait to show Parker his BB guns.
Everyone lined up at the softball game.
The daddies with their baby girls.
The princesses decorated their faces with star stickers.
What you can't tell from this pic is how FAST he's going on the steep part of the driveway.
You can barely see the top of R's head.  She is watching something on a phone and all the kids are trying to see it.
The dads working hard to fix the tree-house railing before they install the new slide.
B slugged D in the arm right before this pic was taken.
Playing 'school' - apparently one of the 'students' also wanted to be a pirate!
A neighbor's house caught fire... making our last morning very exciting!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing visit, it reminds me of when we were all (except Nate and Kristen) there together at Christmas. Too fun! Can't wait for the next reunion. P.S. I love the pic of the 4 princesses, so sweet.
