Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Awesome Visitors

We had a wonderful visit with two of my siblings the week before Easter. My sister & her family drove over from Alabama and my brother & his family came down from Virginia. With 10.5 kids (if you 'count' Jessie's bun-in-the-oven) and 7 adults (Kelli came up from Orlando) our house was a bit crowded - but I don't think anyone cared because we were too busy enjoying our time together.

We had to get creative with sleeping arrangements (for example, one night we had 5 sleep on the trampoline). But I thought it was sweet how willingly my kids gave up their beds for their cousins:

Of course we had too much fun to cover in just one post, so be watching for more to come. I'm just so thankful that my family loves us enough to come all this way to see us (poor B&H had to suffer through spring break traffic on BOTH ends of their trip). We loved having all of you as our guests - come back any time!


  1. how fun! i would love a multi-sibling gathering...alas, it doesn't happen often anymore!

  2. Hey Jenneka I just found your blog and love it! I hope you don't mind if I follow it.
