Monday, April 11, 2011

Answer, Winners, and Parker stuff

Thanks, everybody, for playing this little game. The correct answer is: a Lincoln bite. He sank his little teeth into her skin because she wouldn't give him a toy he wanted. Poor girl. Obviously we're working very hard on the No Biting rule in our house right now.

It was really easy to tell it was Lincoln's teeth at first because each little mark was dark purple. Then a few hours later when the area had gotten red and puffy, I took those pictures (to show Todd when he came home from work).

So, although no one guessed that Lincoln was the culprit, we do have 3 winners for guessing a human bite:

my cousin Shari

Todd's mom

my mom

Also, my sister Erika was half right because she guessed that one of Anndra's brothers caused it.

In addition, I'm going to award prizes to my sister-in-law Heidi for the quickest response... and my dad for the most original guess (allergic reaction to pig starter - ha, ha, good thing we like her chunkiness).

I'm going to tailor each prize to the recipient (for example, oatmeal cookies for my dad). So be watching for a little something to come in the mail.


When Lincoln and Anndra are not busy learning that biting each other is wrong, they are happily cheering their big brother on at his activities - including:


He's in all green because this practice was on St. Patrick's Day.


Food Drive

Litter Pick-up

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