Here's the funny story about this clapping video: since everybody was sharing a talent, somebody got the idea that Anndra and Kate could clap for the group. Unfortunately, my little girl got a big case of stage fright when she was suddenly plopped onto the floor in front of the entire assembly. I think it didn't really help that everyone got quite loud all at once (trying to encourage both babies with cheers like, "Come on, clap! You can do it!"). She got scared and the only talent she shared was a great big cry.
But a few minutes later when she was calm again and sitting on my brother's lap, she started doing this:
It's like she's saying, "See! I can do it. Now nobody cares? Ok."
The next video is of Parker's talent. I'm so proud of him for working on developing this skill. I have to confess that any mistakes you may hear are mine, not his. If I were better at following him, we wouldn't have gotten off on our timing.
We took a very short side-trip to Pueblo, CO where many of Todd's extended family on his dad's side were gathering for his grandpa's funeral.
Anndra meeting this great-grandma for the first time:
We found out that one of Todd's cousins named his baby boy Lincoln (he didn't know about our Lincoln). So we got a pic of the TWO Lincolns:
And, yes, they have the same last name as well - too funny!
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