Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh, how we'll miss these Florida friends!

The past few weeks have been busy with play-dates galore as we try to cram in as much time as we can with some of the kids' favorite people.

Thank goodness Play-dough (below) and BeyBlades (above) are fun for so many different age groups!

"Fierce-some" Four:

This last picture & story is about a new (rather than favorite) friend.  We were waiting for Parker to finish cub scouts and hanging out in the church nursery.  This cute little gal came in and began quietly playing with Lincoln.  After several minutes, she said, "What's your name?"  He answered, "Lincoln."  Then she asked, "Want to be my friend?"

His reaction was so adorable.  He looked around with an embarrassed look on his face - as though she had asked him to be her boyfriend and he was checking to see if anybody had heard.  Finally he shrugged his shoulders (I think they nearly touched his ears!) and whispered, "Sure."  I guess nobody had ever really asked him that before!

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