Monday, May 21, 2012

Best Birthday Weekend Ever!

I'm normally not that big on birthdays.  It isn't that I don't like them - it's just that I usually don't care about making a big fuss over mine.  But this year a lot of really great things happened to come together to make my birthday weekend extra wonderful!

On Friday afternoon, Todd was able to watch his grand rounds lecture at home on-line, which gave me time to get an hour massage and a pedicure.  It was great to start out the weekend with a happy back and happy feet!

Saturday was a beach day.  I'll let the pictures do the talking:
This towel & mound of sand is Parker.

Look at Anndra's tongue sticking out as we bury her!
Digging a tunnel under the sand.

Then Saturday night we had a double date with friends.  They invited us out to dinner as a thank-you for loaning them our car while Todd was out-of-town last month.  We had a very pleasant evening and I decided that it is a shame we don't do it more often!

Sunday was mostly a typical Sunday... but then after dinner we got all the kids involved in a little project.  It started out as a hunt for our picture boxes (and a cord that is missing from our battery-charger thingy for the van, but that's a story for another day).  Well our search turned into a massive organization effort that didn't end until long after the kids had gone to bed.  You might not think that was a "birthday present" for me - but it FELT like one because it got us so much closer to being ready for our move... which makes me happy, happy, happy!

Tonight we'll conclude the birthday celebrations with a date at the movies.  Best. weekend. ever.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to an amazing sister! I'm so glad that you had a wonderful birthday! I love you!
