Parker has had such a great year with the scouts. Last night was the Blue & Gold Banquet and he was awarded his Wolf rank, so now he will be a bear - GRRrrr! Here are some pics from two of the last activities we had with the wolf den.
A bike safety night where we practiced hand signals and set up obstacle courses in the parking lot:
We were short one bike, so the boys rotated through the job of being the stop sign holder. They were such good sports about it and had a good time designing some courses of their own.
The wolves also did a litter pick-up night. Did I already post about that? Anyway, Lincoln was able to join in on that evening:
Their favorite find of the night was a nearly perfect snake skin:
Last month Todd was called to be Elders Quorum President and Parker took some pictures while we were at the stake center for these three to be set apart:
Finally, I want to mention how nice it has been to have Todd HOME on Saturday mornings this year. The kids can't wait for him to wake up and play with them. One Saturday a few weeks ago I found them all on the driveway in their pajamas playing with their remote control cars. None of the pictures are great, but all together they show a cute family moment:
Another recent Saturday I wanted to share about -- our good friends had their second baby and we got to watch their older son for a little while so Dad could bring Mom & Baby home from the hospital. He is 8 months younger than Lincoln, so he plays with Anndra a lot too. We love this kid:
What a great post, Jen - so nice to see the every-day parts of your life! :) I love you!