Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lincoln funnies

I sometimes think that Lincoln must have been sent to our family because without him we would have just been too boring. It's still a little too soon to tell with Anndra, but certainly compared to his mom & dad & Parker, he is the life of the party! He definitely adds spice to our lives with his unique personality. I wanted to record a few of the funny things he says and does these days (at 2 years 11 months).

He is very possessive of his things and doesn't like his little sister touching them. Since Anndra has a habit of pulling the shoes down from the shoe shelves to play with them, he has begun "hiding" his shoes in the bathtub every morning (because he knows she's still too little to climb in there). He tries to be so sneaky while he's doing it - cracks me up.

This morning he was having a great time at the table with his markers, paper, and glue. He stepped away to get a drink or something and when he came back he looked at me with such an accusing look, saying "Did you touch my project, Mom?" Then this evening he said, "Don't bother me, Mom - don't bother me." It's funny hearing him sound so grown-up when he's only two.

He likes to pretend he can tell time, but apparently in Lincoln-world it is always the same time: 3 o'clock. He points to his watch, "Look Mom, it's 3:00!" He sees a clock in one of his storybooks, "Look Mom, it's 3:00!" I ask him: "Lincoln, what time should we go to the park?" He answers "3 o'clock!" or, in other words, NOW.

He's decided to make one of Anndra's dolls his own. He chose the one with green ribbons on her braids because it's his favorite color (he calls it 'lightning green' instead of light green). He walks around patting the doll on the back just like Anndra does with hers... it is interesting to see the influence they have on each other.

He talks about his feelings like they are a part of his body. He says "My feelings hurt" exactly the same way he would say "My legs hurt" or "My head hurts" - and then later he'll say "It's ok, Mom, my feelings feel better." He also likes to say, "Ouch, you hurt my feelings" when we tell him he can't do something he wants to do.

He loves to make faces and do silly things for the baby we watch so she will smile. He even says, "Gootchie-gootchie-goo!" and I have no idea where he got that because I never say it. But the really cute thing is that he gets just as excited and pumped-up each time she smiles at him as he did the first time. He'll run over to me (or look up at me if I'm holding her) and, while bouncing on his toes, say enthusiastically: "She LIKES me!" I think he said that at least 20 times today. Such a joy.

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