Thursday, May 20, 2010

4 Eyebrows?

The other day Parker walked out of school looking like he had shaved a small section in the middle of each eyebrow. I think the words that came out of my mouth were, "What did you DO???" Actually, what I was wondering was how he got his hands on a razor at school... then I was quickly trying to remember how closely I had looked at him when he left for school that morning, because maybe he did it with one of our razors and I just didn't notice (I have to confess that if I'm changing a diaper or something when our carpool friends arrive I just yell, "Have a good day!" from the other room).

At first he genuinely didn't know what I was talking about... which made me even more flabbergasted! (Remember, that this conversation is happening in front of many other students and parents). At this point, I'm wondering: Did someone else do this to him? How could he not know what happened? Do I need to go in and talk to the teacher?

It turns out he had completely forgotten already that he had used his little school scissors and attempted to "trim" his eyebrows because he got hot at recess and they felt "too bushy." Until he saw my reaction, he had no idea he looked any different. But when he got home and saw himself in a mirror, he laughed and said, "Wow - it looks like I have four eyebrows!"

Funny kid. Here's a pic from last month for comparison (what his eyebrows should look like).

It reminded me of the brief time a few years ago that I plucked my eyebrows to make them look more shapely. I distinctly remember wishing that eyebrow hairs did NOT grow back. Well, as the mom of this quirky, fun, wonderful 7-year-old - I'm VERY glad that eyebrow hairs DO grow back!

P.S. Mom - does this post remind you of a certain little girl who "trimmed" the fly-away wisps of hair that had escaped her french braid?


  1. What a funny kid! Where was his teacher when this trimming was going on?

  2. I can totally relate to Parker's predicament! And, yes, it does remind me of my little Jen, trimming the wisps of hair that had escaped from her crown of french braids. In defense of little ones... It is just a case of "there's a problem" and "here's a solution." It is just a different solution than we would think of. Great problem solving, Parker! :)
