Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas in UT

We ended up leaving for Utah a couple weeks earlier than we had planned (to help out after poor Jess was injured), but before we left Parker had his very first band concert and Lincoln had a kindergarten Christmas activity.
Sorry, I know you can barely tell that's Parker doing percussion in the middle of the back row, but I feel like if I don't put a picture on the blog (even a bad picture) it's like it didn't really happen!

This is his "I got BINGO!" face

Lincoln's teacher is the BEST - going out of her way to help Anndra (the only non-student at the party) feel at home

Once we got to Utah, we split our time between Grandma's house and Aunt Jessie's house.  Thankfully Grandy and Grandpa Paul were there to help at Jessie's.  I definitely couldn't have handled it on my own!

Dressed as angels for a primary thing. The headbands are halos

visiting my grandpa in Mt. Pleasant

Watching my niece's holiday program at school - Lincoln sang along to "Must be Santa"

Todd was able to join us on Dec 24 so that our family was all together Christmas morning - yay!  I'm glad he was there to take these pictures because I was very sick and could barely lift my head to watch the kids open their presents.

We enjoyed a beautiful snow storm and later went sledding.
swinging while the flakes come floating down

sliding down without sleds! silly boys
 We drove back to Montana New Year's Day, but here's a pic from our little celebration the night before at Grandma's house.

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