Funnies from today:
I have a very poor sense of smell - which is usually kind of a blessing, but when little ones I'm baby-sitting need their diaper changed and I don't notice it, this can be a problem. So my kids know to tell me anytime they smell something bad - and then it becomes a detective-type game as we all try to locate the source of the stink. But when I overheard the following exchange this morning, it really made me chuckle.
Lincoln (announcing): Something smells poopy.
Parker (matter-of-factly): That might be you.
Anndra got the little pink plastic teapot from her new tea set stuck on her hand and came over to me whimpering. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of trying to get tree sap off of Lincoln's feet & hands and we were both a bit of a mess, so I told her to go show Parker. A moment later, this is what I heard from the other room:
Parker (triumphantly): I got it out!
Anndra (with exhilaration): You ***SAVED*** my hand!
And Big Brother continues to be her very own personal hero. :)
Lincoln was in the bathtub singing to himself and counting his fingers and toes. I was in the hall putting clean towels and sheets away in the linen closet. He called out a question for me:
Lincoln: Mom, what does 5 and 5 make?
Me (calling over my shoulder): 10.
Lincoln: It makes 39 for me!
This is what happens when Brothers decide to play with Sister's dollhouse while she's napping:
I just found your blog from Michelle's. The car/dollhouse picture was so funny! Love it :)