So here's Lincoln 'puzzling' over Parker's maze book on the airplane when we were coming home from Utah. I'll admit it's not the smartest-looking expression on his face... can you tell the vacation took it's toll on his sleep patterns?
Taking the elevator up to Daddy's new office (hooray - he's a second-year resident now and gets his own office!). Parker's almost 7, and yet he STILL loves to be the one to push the button. :) I guess some things take longer to out-grow than others.
Lincoln - all ready for church... notice the red hair because it has almost totally faded to blonde in the last month or two.
Both boys sharing Daddy's chair (and some cheese crackers). Lincoln recently learned to fold his arms for prayers, but in this picture it looks more like he's striking a pose than getting ready to pray. Kind of funny how he manages a "don't mess with me" look even with his cheeks full of crackers!
Helping Daddy wash the car - notice our new garage! We love living in this house for many reasons, but the garage is definitely a big one.